Originally Posted by MMM
My feeling is that Japanese culture treats life and death a little differently than we do in the West. This isn't just about suicide, but death in general. The funeral rituals are very good at bringing closure to a person's life in the minds of his family and friends. I recommend you look into it.
And to be honest, I don't think most Japanese really believe in much of an afterlife, so it isn't like they are killing themselves to go to a "better place".
That's pretty deep man "This isn't just about suicide, but death in general."
I like how you see a bigger picture when it comes to the issue.
I remember when I almost did it (i'm still alive of course

) I didn't believe in a better place. From my study of the impact that Buddhism has made on the east I'm more familiar with the rituals for closure, but i'll be sure to look into it more.
I see that beliefs really do have consequences. But regardless, life is important. That's why I've been wondering what are not only the real causes of Japan's high suicide rate, but what is the best way to solve it?
Thanks alot I'm gaining a little more understanding into this.