Originally Posted by GoNative
I agree with MMM that suicide is viewed quite differently here. For one there's none of the religious conotations of not being able to get into heaven that we have in Christian nations. Even in not so religious western nations there is generally a long history of religious influence which has coloured thinking on suicide as a sin.
In Japan there is a long history of suicide being an honorable thing to do if you have shamed/dishonored yourself, family or community. I guess it doesn't quite have the same stigma associated with it as in the west. Still don't think any of that makes it any easier for surviving family members. It's always devastating for them.
Yeah that's what really grips my heart. Knowing the source of something doesn't really make it all that easier to deal with. So I guess in Japan relationships matter a big deal, but suicide doesn't have the stigmas associated with it as it does in the west.
I guess in terms of keeping relationships the negative connations of suicide is a benifit to people in the west. It keeps them alive somehow more so in relation to suicide.
I've come to see it rather simply. Almost childlike. I always see hope. Where their is life there is hope. Where there is life, there is hope for relationship.