Originally Posted by NanteNa
I've never been 'shot down', lol. But I'd probably agree that it sucks regardless of gender if I'd tried it..
That being said - please don't use such harsh words on here. Nobody put down a 'rule' as to how girls or guys should act. These are all personal preferences. You need to take a chill-pill hunnie. Being rude only breeds rude replies and then it's gonna go down into a bad spiral. You can't just generally say that all girls are 'whiny cowards' (or worse) - cause obviously.. you don't know all girls.
but its not that all women are cowards and therefore refuse to approach men, its just a little too forward IMO (call me old fashioned or watever) but not all men like a women to make the first move, and u can never honestly judge whether a guy is really into u or not even if he does follow u around like a lost puppy dog - that happened to me before and turns out he was going out with his GF for 6 yers at the time he was following me around too, so depends on the situation - but yeh i couldnt ever just approach a man and ask him out and its not coz im scared just coz its looks a bit strange IMO - most women dont generally anyway - hardly seen it b4