Originally Posted by missprincess
hmm i agree, i dont see the pull for waking up at 6 or 7 in the morning going out to work, coming back home, at like 7 or 8 or even 5 then taking care of the kids, house, cooking and husband (coz u still have to do that even if ur a working woman coz who the hell else will- and u dont want some stupid nanny in ur house for sure!) thats just not appealing to me AT ALL! i dont think i need to prove the point the women can go and work in a mans world, im a trainee lawyer but after i get married its family ALL THE WAY! my husbands gonna be the one busting his hump at work so i can sleep in and spend his money hehe  thats much smarter IMO
Really...? Your biggest goal in life is to marry a man who earns enough for you to fully devote your efforts to taking care of your house and children? Is that what you want?! And you call that a "much smarter" choice of life? And you refer to the working world as a "man's world"? That's insulting. Really.
Originally Posted by missprincess
i dont think men contributing to housework is modern its actually very old depending where ur from and ur culture etc, but id rather be slightly less well off and be able to hang out with other housewife friends, and do what i want all day (not necessarily stay in the house coz being a house wife doesnt mean ur locked in the house) then go to work and bust my hump just so i can afford a nicer handbag - dunno, if thats modernism id rather be old fashioned!
Geez, it's been a looong while since I last read sexist comments like those. Your motivation to go to work is to finance a handbag, and you'd rather be hanging out with other housewives (you didn't say friends, you said housewives) than being at work, going professional and really earning your money. I don't know how it is in your world, but in mine, going to work is not something you do out of obligation. Didn't you say you were a trainee lawyer? From that I understand you're looking to get a job as a lawyer someday, cause otherwise you'd be just very silly to waste your time getting academically prepared to do something you don't ever plan on performing. And according to you, once you get married you wanna quit your job and spend all of your time looking after your kids and doing whatever in your house. Well, that's alright if that's the kind of life you want for yourself, but just know you're as bad as those who claim that men are superior to women, because you're chosing the lifestyle women have fought to get rid of for so long! And what's worse, you think you're being smart cause your man will be the one who brings in the money and you think that will allow you to do what you want and spend all the money he's been paid on stuff such as handbags. Lame. Seriously, you should be ashamed.