Originally Posted by RickOShay
Well this is quite the sunshine and rosy answer.  Just out of curiosity how did you obtain a work visa? I rarely hear of anybody just coming here on a tourist visa, and then putting out apps, and resumes and finding a job (other than teaching English), especially when they don't speak Japanese. In fact legally I do not think the whole come on a tourist visa and find a job can be carried out anymore, even by leaving the country for 24 hours and coming back.
Anyhow for most people finding someone to sponsor their visa is probably the biggest obstacle.
You're entirely right, tourist visa -> work visa is totally not cool...
But, I said working holiday visa, which is totally cool ^^b
He said he was 23, so still safe on the age requirements for it too.
Most people don't have the balls to come out here with no job lined up and just hope things work out, like I did.
I used an internet cafe to check gaijin pot, made a membership, spammed my cv to hundreds of places, emphasizing they wouldn't have to worry about the whole visa headache they'd have to deal with with other applicants, the interviews came pouring in, for both programming and teaching English actually.
Learning survival Japanese got me to meet a few ladies that were more than happy to lend me a hand with some of the technicalities that were quite difficult as a foreigner.
Throw your life into the hands of fate now and then, it usually works for the best in my experience