Thread: Ask the girls
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(#103 (permalink))
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missprincess (Offline)
Bonnie lass from England
Posts: 122
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Location: England
12-14-2010, 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by File0 View Post
You ought not to gather your info from movies - they are rarely reliable. People are so much more complex than you can ever see them on the screen.

And may I ask you to please use proper grammar, it gives me hard time to follow the treads you participate in, because I'm not native English speaker. I'm not asking to use capitals but at least could you please check your text for misspells before posting it.
wow i cant be asked to check my grammar esp since i posted this at 5am and was too tired to - if u cant read what i write just dont read it - and i dint get it from a movie - got it from life - never seen a women b4 except for now that is who wants a man shorter then her - never really seen any couples like that in my life either - v.v rarely

Don't make someone a priority....... if your nothing more than an option to them

How can the world end at 2012 when my yogurt expires in 2013?
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