Originally Posted by JohnBraden
Never implied you saying violent,  ,but I remember the Benemerita keeping the peace through intimidation and brutal repression.... things were much different then....
Do they still have Policia Nacional (the brown uniformed guys) in Catalunya, or in Spain for that matter? Has the jurisdiction system changed? Last time I set foot on Spanish soil was in 1990, so I know many things have changed....
Nah it's nothing like it used to be during the dictatorship. We don't have the same police as the rest of the country. Spanish police is called "Guardia civil" but there's very few of those around here in Catalonia. We have our own police brigade, just like Scotland has its own, for instance, and they're called "Mossos d'Esquadra" as you can see in the picture. I have never seen brown-uniformed guys, that must've been a long time ago. But yeah, times have changed, since we became a democratic state police can't abuse their power like they used to.
Whereabouts in Spain have you been?