Originally Posted by missprincess
wow i cant be asked to check my grammar esp since i posted this at 5am and was too tired to - if u cant read what i write just dont read it - and i dint get it from a movie - got it from life - never seen a women b4 except for now that is who wants a man shorter then her - never really seen any couples like that in my life either - v.v rarely
Yes, you CAN be ~asked~. No one's forcing you to, but don't be so stuck up as to assume you're above being ~asked~ to write properly. You aren't. Regardless of your excuses. Your use of net-speak is tiresome and it makes the discussion less accessible for non-native English speakers. Even I find your posts a total chore to read sometimes. Actually, if you hadn't noticed, you're about the only native english speaker here who uses net-speak so much. Remember, this is a bi-lingual board, meant to ENCOURAGE talk between people of all tongues and cultures and not everyone is able to gloss over your slang and errors to get the right meaning. Discussion on JF may mainly take place in English, but it's polite to consider other user's needs as well. Simply dismissing a polite request and dismissing the issue, saying 'if u cant read what i write just dont read it' is pretty rude IMO.