Originally Posted by RealJames
It seems to me like you place more value in having a career than playing an active role in raising your children...
I get your points, there are more than enough feminists in the world for us all to have heard them.
But I think it helps to differentiate between a woman forced by society to stay home even if she doesn't want to, compared to a woman who chooses to do so.
The empowerment of women by feminism is almost forcing and telling some of them to do what they may very well not want to, which in my opinion is just as bad.
Don't you think so?
Of course. I've been brought to this world to make a difference! LOL Nah, seriously. I wanna have a family and raise kids someday, but I wanna have a brilliant career too, and I wouldn't wanna have to give up my career for my children. I would if I had to but that's not the topic. Anyway, I can't understaind why someone would choose not to go big in their field cause they'd rather be a housewife. That's just me. If she wants to do it then fine, but the moment she says having a real job is a "man's work", I feel insulted, cause I plan on having a real job and making it into the "man's world", and she makes it sound like a woman belongs in the house.
I'm not a feminist. All I'm saying is any woman can be a working parent without having to rely on a husband to provide her with a home. Of course forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong. But getting a job is something everyone should aspire to achieve. Plus, I believe it's not mentally healthy to not have anything to do other than run a house. Having a job makes you feel useful and everyone needs to feel useful to some extent. Notice I've been accusing her of being sexist because she has been making sexist statements. If she wants to be a housewife and be attached to a man her entire life, it's fine, go right ahead and just hope her man never leaves her, cause then she'll be left with nothing cause her husband was her only source of financement, and that is because she made it that way soooo she had it coming.