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(#13 (permalink))
Maxful (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 589
Join Date: Sep 2010
12-15-2010, 02:45 AM

Hi masaegu san, that sentence was from this dorama "Voice" episode 3. She was telling this guy from her workplace to return home since she figured that this colleague's wife is waiting for him.

Based on the translation from the dorama, it means "Your wife is waiting for you, isn't she?".

The reason why I used "Tanaka" instead of his "wife" is because I couldn't remember how to say "wife" in japanese. I think it is called "奥さん".

The reason why I asked if ”奥さん待ってでしょう?” is correct because that's what she said but of course I could have heard it wrongly, I don't know.

Anyway, I was just surprised that she used "て-form" instead of "Dictionary-form" before "でしょう" so I immediately signed in here to asked which sentence is the correct one.


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