Liars? -
12-15-2010, 09:57 AM
I got divorced a few years ago. A while I ago I figured I was ready to get involved with a woman again. I registered at a site primarily geared towards Japanese women who want to meet gaijin. I lived in Japan for many years, graduated from a Japanese University and believe that I'm decently competent at the language. I have more in common with Japanese women than I do with women from my own country.
I read their profiles and if there was one item in common throughout all of them, independent of geography and age, was that they all despised liars. A lot of No Liars, Liars No Contact pls, that kind of thing. I was a bit surprised because if it is one thing Japanese women do a lot, it is lying. Mainly they lie to spare others their feelings, but that is still lying in my book.
But I am completely comfortable with not lying, as long as they are comfortable with the truth. However, after exchanging mails and chats, I no longer believe this to be true. So what goes? Do you hate liars, or do you want men to lie when you ask them about their opinion regarding looks etc? And if you accept the white and sweet lies, doesn't that imply that you prefer lies in front of the scathing truth?