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(#2 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 303
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Japan
12-15-2010, 12:50 PM

この前、知り合いのアスリートや友達を集めて、久々に 騒ぎましたニコニコ
The other day, after a long interval, we had a big party with my acquaintance athletes and friends. (Smile)

レスリング・体操・トランポリン・プロスノーボーダー など、色んなジャンルの人が集まりました!
A lot of kinds of athletes gathered together such as wrestlers, gymnasts, trampoline-players, professional snow-boarders.

レスリングの世界選手権で銀メダルを獲得した、松本隆 太郎さんと、国体で優勝した小島豪臣さんには、レスリ ングマットをデザインしたケーキがプレゼントされまし た☆
Ryuutarou Matsumoto, who won a silver medal at world wrestling championship, and Takafumi Kojima who were a champion of Japanese national championship were presented cakes designed like a wrestling-mat.

一番右が体操の元全日本チャンピオン、市川千尋ちゃん 。
Chihiro Ichikawa who is an ex-champion of national gymnastics championship is the right most.

そのとなり、同じく元全日本チャンピオンの溝口絵里加 ちゃん。
Next to her is Erika mizoguchi who is also an ex-champion.

Aya Hasegawa who is a "S-kawa model" is the left most.

The guy hiding his face is Mr. Kojima, the wrestler.

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