Originally Posted by dogsbody70
isn't it unhappiness and being desperate that can cause a person to take their own life.
we all are capable of it, aren't we?
Perhaps if these people had somebody to turn to in their distress-- their lives could be saved.
It is awful for a family if one of theirs does take their own life-- all the guilt and blame they may put on themselves.
There were a spate of suicides of young people in a part of WALES last year.
I have no idea why? but its awful when someone is so desperate that they do kill themselves/
Was there any help when they really needed it I wonder.
The husband of a friend of my daughter's was found hanged by a Hoover cable. He had had a love affair and when it was called off-- He topped himself leaving his wife and family in terrible distress.
That's so awful and sad to hear

I believe there
is somebody they could turn to in distress and be saved.
The issue is something that i'm not just viewing from the outside but experienced it on the inside.
Thats why my it breaks my heart so much. A building built on sand won't stand long, but a building built on a solid foundation can stand the strongest of storms.
My values of life were shallow at best before, and hence built on sand. So all it took was a little wind to knock me down.