Originally Posted by ForReal
i dont know where to start first but you dont need ur phone for all that stuff
Goodness me its incredible that todays phones can do all those things. Unheard of not long ago.
everything in one package.
I just have a simple mobile phone-- which I use only in emergency.
I prefer watching videos on my tv monitor.
However its fantastic what these modern wonders can do.
for someone who grew up without phones-- only the wealthy would have had a real telephone. It was a real luxury.
what will happen in the next ten years I wonder. what would you like to be the next great technological wonder?
I want something to do all my house work for me just at the flick of a switch.
A car that will take me where ever I desire-- able to avoid crowded roads.
Actually I am disappointed that we still use cars. I would have thought we could be transported through space effortlessly-- as in STAR TREK.
When will aeroplanes be obsolete?