Do people usually 'grow out' of Anime? -
12-16-2010, 02:57 AM
I'm curious as to whether people (especially Western) usually grow out of anime or not?
The majority of people I see talking about it or being major fans of it are either in their young or mid teens.
Of course there are many older fans of it which I don't deny, but they seem to be in a relative minority.
So have you personally watched a lot of anime before and stopped now?
Or has someone you know or know of grown out of it?
When I say this, I don't mean anime that's MEANT for children such as Pokemon or Dragonball Z, athough I have no doubt there's probably older people still watching those somewhere out there...
I'd consider myself someone who has grown out of anime. I'm 18 and I just don't find it appealing any more. All the mainstream anime just seems a little too younger-oriented to me, and I don't even find any non-mainstream animes that much different. There are maybe one or two series I still hold onto, but nothing near the amount of series that I watched before.