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(#18 (permalink))
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Umihito (Offline)
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12-17-2010, 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
Is it because it may be a stigma, that if one likes anime people will think they are geeks or losers? Or perhaps it's supposed to be for kids only and not for adults?

That was the trend with videogames in the past-that it was meant for kids, but statistics show that the average age of a gamer is much higher than people thought in the past. Gaming is much more mainstream than before.

Anime is animation and animation here usually means cartoons. People here mostly associate cartoons with children, but things are changing. Many adults like The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. Perhaps because it is not American, wide dissemination is a bit more difficult thus not getting the wide attention it could.
Yeah, from what I've experienced that's generally what people think of anime fans in the US. They're usually grouped as geeks and losers by others who don't like anime. And the thing about it being for kids or adults is the point of this thread I guess.

I wonder if anime will follow the same trend as gaming in regards to average ages being higher...
I don't think so because of cultural differences that people may not be comfortable with. Like you said, the fact that it's not American will probably put people off.
And as mentioned earlier in the thread, younger anime seems to be the majority these days with anime for older people taking a back seat.
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