あなたはこの本をもう読みましたか -
12-17-2010, 02:08 AM
How would you translate this into English?
Here are some that I can come up with:
Have you read this book yet?
Have you already read this book?
Have you read this book already?
Did you read this book yet?
Did you already read this book?
Did you read this book already?
I can also imagine replacing "this" with "the".
I'm interested in knowing if anyone feels that any of those would be better or worse than the others and why. I'm also interested in hearing your own interpretations. Sorry, there is no context for this one.
In my opinion this is an extremely trivial question, so I apologize for that. If I were to split hairs, I guess I would say that "did you" is simple past and "have you" is present perfect. I don't see any logic or practical application in saying "did" is better than "have" or "have" is better than "did"... especially since this one comes with no context. Am I missing something?