Originally Posted by KyokoUK
I already have everything that I want in that, I have my dear love of my life, my shining star and light of my world. This person is KuranUSA.
What would I give a student? Kuran is a student and studying 4-thousand miles away from me so I will daily give him my loving support by staing strong and faithful to him while he's gone, by loving him every day in the way of telling him how proud I am of him for all the hard work he is doing for our future, encouraging him when days are hard, laughing with him when days are sunny and funny, holding him in my virtual arms when he falls and skins a knee (metephorically) and encouraging him every day to be his best and find his fullest potiental. I know how great he already is, and I want to be the woman who constantly tells how I see him growing into the wonderful businessman he is going to shortly be, I want to give him the kind of strong, dependable love "back home" that he can look forward to someday returning to. That is all I want for Christmas.
So beautiful, I hope your wish come true someday!
I hope these Christmas gifts: