Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
@ Suki
Yuko81 is male, I think his comment was meant to be a bit of a flirtatious joke, saying that he could be your house-hubby
Also, Suki, I know my comment about hating women in the previous thread irritated you, but I meant I dislike women who think they don't have to do anything for themselves (except have babies, whoo-de-freakin'-doo~ what effective human beings) because they posses vaginas D: It's funny that you said "you're chosing the lifestyle women have fought to get rid of for so long" because I actually came close to saying something like that in the previous thread. I occasionally become a 'woman-hating woman' when I feel like a lot of women share the share beliefs and aspirations of MP, it's like they ruin the good name of hard-working women everywhere! So I apologize for my previous comment, I was feeling aggravated at the women folk as I had a lady tell me how she nabbed her husband-- she lied to him and and said she was on birth control, got pregant then essentially forced him to marry her. Now, she's fat and lazy as hell and she's an AWFUL mother. When she told me this story it was hard to fight back the urge to yell "You're a fucking human leech!!" but I bottled that rage you guys (I'm so proud XD).
My faith in women has come back, I met some kickass women today and seeing how Suki's responses to MP are exactly what I would say is awesome. I completely agree with everything you said  You saved me from typing RAGGGEEE comments since you said everything I was going to!  You kickass bro. Glad to see I'm not the only woman who wants to have a career with a stay-at-home husband  Woman like that seem to be pretty rare  Don't give up your career if it's what you want to do.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one here who goes crazy over this kinda stuff

And just for the record, I don't want a stay-at-home husband, I think having a baby means sharing responsabilities equally, I will stay at home if I have to, what I won't do is give up my career if it's a successful one, ever; that doesn't mean I want a husband who'll take care of everything regarding our child though, I wouldn't want that either.
Originally Posted by dogsbody70
CRIKEY SUKI-- It seems its all about YOU and what you want. You have so many demands and expectations don't you.
Yes it is about me and what I want since it's my life I'm living...
I am very clear on what my priorities are and I get to choose how to live my life by whatever principles I like; I believe it's good to be self-demanding and to have ambitions, it hurts no one and it's very rewarding when you reach them.