lol. whale wars - such a piece of s***t.
you know that creator of the show - that dude with white beard - he actually faked being shot just to boost ratings.i remember seeing the ads where - yea, action, everything happens and then screaming - captain has been shot.of course he wasn't. and i love how they rush to the scene and nothing. just talk.
btw..southpark made nice pardoy of them:
P.S ronin. going on a rampage again how "self aware" animals are so precious ? i love environmental nut jobs who have the balls and don't have brains to see how fuc**g hypocritical their views are when it comes to life we should protect and then what we shouldn't. typical white people win/win situation like always - gets to eat his burger and then mentally masturbate by feeling like a hero who does smth "noble".