12-19-2010, 12:22 PM
and? in my lifetime i have already visited some 13 countries. i have a pretty good insight of how people are.
you are getting off the track. my point is that most people are hypocrites or are out there just for self satisfaction.
life is sacred they say - don't kill dolphins while feel free to cook and eat everything else. i hate this kind of BS. either you don't harm anything or do as you please. viruses - we use medicine to kill them yet they are living organisms. mosquitoes, bugs and millions of others we kill.
so convenient when we get to chose who lives and who not, don't you think?
it is the always same..people make themselves feel good without actually doing anything - either those are the ribbons or eating and killing only those animals who are unworthy aka not so cute.
so. i eat all kinds of things, have killed all kinds of living things also. i know that and that is why i don't go out there telling other people what to do when i am no better.
you see people form India coming over and telling you don't eat cows? a? for them they are "magical" creatures - can't be harmed. yet some people now have the balls to say something about dolphins to Japanese when they ignore that 1 billion of people believe cows are special. i guess that doesn't count...why ? because this kind of total BS can only be made up by self indulgent white people!