you are getting off the track. my point is that most people are hypocrites or are out there just for self satisfaction.
life is sacred they say - don't kill dolphins while feel free to cook and eat everything else. i hate this kind of BS. either you don't harm anything or do as you please. viruses - we use medicine to kill them yet they are living organisms. mosquitoes, bugs and millions of others we kill.
so convenient when we get to chose who lives and who not, don't you think?
I'm not getting off track. You're trying to pull me onto your track and I'm not going to get on.
It's not bullshit and I'll explain AGAIN really simply how it's not.
You draw a line at humans though right? Assuming that you do (I'd be surprised if you think that eating humans is OK) then all that means is that you draw the line based on the chromosomes of an organism.
I draw the line at sentience. Now I don't think you understand what sentience means so I am going to suggest you look it up because your paraphrasing of my argument was way off. Furthermore you alluded to cows in your example. Cows and chickens are not considered animals that are self aware but I still refuse to eat them because they are sentient enough to feel stress when they are factory farmed and slaughtered.
Oh.. and I've been to 22 countries in my lifetime. Lived in 4 of them and spent a good deal of time travelling in the rest. So if we're going to see who has the biggest dick regarding this then I win.