Originally Posted by evanny
scientific basis? lol. no - the reason you don't eat them is purely emotional. there is no science - no scientist has said - got damn it, my burger has feelings. just because they detected that they have doesn't mean anything.
on the other hand i present more logical therefore more scientific view where whole life is equal. animals eat animals - everyone feeds on everyone. now there is basic fact. 10x times the science you can offer,
eh. white people now have a member.
Now you're just wrong.
Scientific studies have suggested that dolphins are highly self aware and marine biologists say evidence points to the same being true with whales.
Dolphin Self-Recognition Mirrors Our Own: Scientific American
Whales Might Be as Much Like People as Apes Are | Wired Science | Wired.com
Furthermore my justification for not eating other animals is that most of it is factory farmed which places animals in a constant high stress environment and has nothing to do with their sentience (other than the fact that they can experience distress).
And your argument is logical but as I said before... it doesn't address the moral question which is the one I'm asking (and answering).
It's like saying war is natural because it's natural for societies to conflict. It's a reasonable statement (without getting into the big debate about human nature let's just say it is) but it says nothing about whether it's OK or not. I wonder what your parents or grandparents think of that argument? Your country was nothing a stepping stone for the Russians and Germans to get to each other after all.