Originally Posted by RobinMask
I understand your point, really I do. I agree that it's not fair to give the responsibility of raising a child to another person all the time, whether that person be in a daycare, or a nanny, or a grandparent. That said I think it can be beneficial part-time (and by that I also include during the day/night when a parent works, providing the parent is there for the other 12 hours to watch the child themselves).
My mother was a stay-at-home mom, and yet I still went to nurseries and daycares because it was beneficial to development, and also parents need time to themselves. I do personally object to those obssessive parents whose entire world is 'Little Johnny', and have nothing else to talk about aside from his toilet and eating habits, which is why I think parents need a social life away from the child. . . but even those parents who aren't obssessive need space. Parents need time to relax, to chill out, and to get away from the stress, because parenting is very hard work, and they need time with other adults to keep up-to-date with events and socialise and keep their minds sharp, something hard to do if your entire day is spent watching Sesame Street and not talking with other adults about adult things.
Your last point. . . I think you're referring to Suki, yes? If I'm right what she said was something like 'if I'm busy with my career one day I'd like my husband to watch the kids, and if he's busy one day with his career then I'd do the same for him'. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If both parents are parenting equally and not demanding anything from one another, then there's nothing wrong with that. It's not as though they're abandonning their responsibilities, right? 
maybe I misunderstood SUKI. If so I apologise.
Of course parents need SPACE. and to get away from the chores and child talk.
I was able to work from home so I was fortunate. Really its the very early years that concerns me.
I was not apossessive mother-- never having had a mOTHER I just used commonsense and did what I thought was right
Maybe I get hot collared because I was IN CARE plus very involved with others who spent their time IN CARE-- if you could ever call it that. those who were migrated abroad with no choice in the matter.
So perhaps I get OTT in my attitude.
I have helped my family many times with their children-- but would not want to do it full time.
I love the children very much-- and can have so much fun with them, but I get really tired.
I just think it is NOT easy for couples or indeed single parents.
As I spent so much time in Nurseries, foster care and children's homes as a child-- all over the country and in various situations I did not relate at all to any individual neither did i trust anyone.
Of course thsi is not relevant to students who aim to have a good career as on here.
I used to see students who had become pregnant-- offer their unborn child for adoption.
Its so easy to have a child-- for many of us-- but not all as we know because of surrogacy etc etc.
for those who cannot have a child-- they become desperate.
Again I realise this has nothing to do with this thread really, but LIFE can get in the way of our plans- especially for females.
I wish everyone who is working hard for their career-- that they do succeed.