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(#37 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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12-19-2010, 03:19 PM

lol.. "white people vision". You're a racist prick you know that not to mention that I'm pretty sure most white people would not agree with me on my stance on animals (though I think a lot of Tibetans might).

You're the one that fails to see the flaw in logic of your own argument.

I'll repeat what I said earlier. You draw the line at a specific amount of chromosomes. (Your comment implies that you hold humans above animals to some degree and you mentioning scenarios where eating humans would be "OK" to you doesn't change your stance all that much)

I however draw the line at sentience. A high level of self awareness to be exact.

Where I've drawn the line is rational and addresses the moral question completely. (It's not the only line I've drawn as I've given my reasons for not eating beef, pork, chicken and other factory farmed animals).

Yours doesn't.

The question of which species it is OK to kill or not has been decided. But to you merely deciding is immoral. I'd like to know how merely deciding violates your morality?

PS- My argument is not strictly scientific. But it's more scientific than yours and it's scientific where it needs to be. Furthermore you'd be hard pressed to find any opinion that is strictly scientific.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-19-2010 at 03:23 PM.
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