Originally Posted by MMM
Every minute you are not at home raising your children you are not at home raising your children.
Whaaaaaaaaat? Did you intend for that comment to be as redundant as it is?
Anyway, after your child enters public school there's really no need for a stay-a-home mom/dad. I was home-schooled and my dad ran a machine-shop from home and really he didn't to check on me and my siblings very often. (Although, raising small children right next to a machine shop isn't very safe... and I have lots of now-hilarious stories of trips to the ER lol)
Kids don't need 24/7 attention. I know a lady who raised her daughter that way and now the kid is batshit crazy and self-centered. A think a little alone time is good for kids

Eh, just my two cents. BTW Suki and Robin, I wish you guys the best

Edit; Haha, MissMisa and Suki said similar stuff to what I wrote! You guys are so cool