Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Whaaaaaaaaat? Did you intend for that comment to be as redundant as it is?
Anyway, after your child enters public school there's really no need for a stay-a-home mom/dad. I was home-schooled and my dad ran a machine-shop from home and really he didn't to check on me and my siblings very often. (Although, raising small children right next to a machine shop isn't very safe... and I have lots of now-hilarious stories of trips to the ER lol)
Kids don't need 24/7 attention. I know a lady who raised her daughter that way and now the kid is batshit crazy and self-centered. A think a little alone time is good for kids  Eh, just my two cents. BTW Suki and Robin, I wish you guys the best  lol
Edit; Haha, MissMisa and Suki said similar stuff to what I wrote! You guys are so cool 
I am talking about ages zero to about five. After a child has his "job" of going to school, there is no reason for both parents not to work if they want/need to. I am talking about the baby/toddler years.
I think your story of "hilarious" ER trips kind of makes my point.