12-20-2010, 12:17 AM
Eh. People can see a lot about you through your cellphone if they take it. It's just that not many people will go through the trouble of it. Let's say you're someone just visiting a town. If I stole your phone I could easily just find what your number is and tell what town you live in by the area code. Plus it's not that hard to find an address and a picture to the place you live online. Well just saying since it's happened to a friend of mine before. It's why when I have a cell phone I basically don't allow anyone to get to it.
*plooka plooka*
Rin no talk. 私の一番な色は何ですか。「Day--」 黒沼爽子と翔太くん。いつでも/もじもじ-- 30