I don't really feel like getting into an off-topic discussion about gender and identification and the like, so I'll be brief as I can (which admitedly isn't very brief) . . .
My name is androgynous partly because I like the name and the character it's from, the cartoon picture on my profile and anime display picture are partly because I like those characters, and the other reason - and the reason why I don't disclose my gender - are because I don't believe in gender as such. . .
I believe in equality and that people are free to be exactly what they want to be. People make assumptions based on gender - regardless of whether they intend to or not - so with my writing, my essays, my presence on the online commuinity I choose to be neutral. It's interesting that when I say or write certain things I'm sometimes referred to as 'she', mostly on a writing forum I visit, and sometimes when I say other things I'm referred to as 'he'. For various reasons people assign me a 'gender' based on their own assumptions, so rather than people go 'your opinion on so-and-so is partly down to being a woman/man' I choose to let them think what they like or nothing at all, because frankly the whole 'she said that as she's a woman' or 'he said that because he's a man' thing happened too much for my liking.
And anyways, the picture of the man is Ukitake from "Bleach". I find the picture aesthetically pleasing and I can relate to his character, I also find his personality pleasing and it's something I don't mind being associated with or identifying with. Just because he is a man doesn't mean I can't relate to him or find him inspiring.
Sorry for the off-topic rant