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dogsbody70 (Offline)
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Pretending to be what we are not - 12-20-2010, 11:57 AM

I am sure that the internet gives many opportunities to disguise ourselves and give no hint of who we really are.

Anonymity is a brilliant way of talking about things-- that otherwise would not be said or spoken/written about.
we hear of young people who are lured into A Net relationship with someone who pretends to be what they are not.

Paedophiles often use this as a way of contacting girls-- then grooming them and eventually finding a way of meeting-- it can be dangerous when girls are open and probably reveal things they should not--thinking that they have been conversing with a girl of their own age.

we all know we have to be wary.

On forums such as this there are several people who I had thought were male-- when in fact they were female and vice versa.

Mind you-- often their way of writing does reveal their sex, even if not many of us notice it.

I can understand wanting to remain anonymous. after all it can be extremely dangerous to reveal true identity on the internet.

I do wonder why some use photos that can make one think they are one sex or the other. But-- really-- what is the point of that?

Any thoughts on this?
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