welfare system in Japan -
12-20-2010, 12:06 PM
Please forgive me if there is another thread on this subject.
I believe that Nyrororin DID answer some queries way back-- but I cannot find them now.
As on the career-- rearing children-- thread welfare system was brought up-- so I do wonder about it in Japan.
One reads of japanese orphanages that are hidden away. I do not know if that is really true.
Where do unwanted children go? can they be adopted or fostered? we hear a lot about international adoptions from many countries.
Also is Abortion Legal in Japan?
Nyrororin-- you are the person who knows about these things. If you can find the original thread on this subject-- I would be very grateful to know about the welfare system regarding Children.
I heard on the radio the other day that in Ireland a woman can only have an abortion if there are medical reasons to do so.
I am not sure which part of Ireland--maybe someone can enlighten me.
In the old days here in UK it was all back street abortions often with dire results to the woman.