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Suki (Offline)
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Football followers, unite! - 12-21-2010, 01:12 AM

(Note to the mods: Can you guys move to this thread the last couple of posts I made in the thread what gift would you most desire? Also the ones from user JasonTakeshi. Thank you.)


So I often end up talking about football in threads that have nothing to do with that matter and I felt it'd be nice to have a thread in which I can discuss football with other people and not feel like I'm derailing someone else's thread. Plus, the round of 16 is coming up! Big deal! There'll be a lot to discuss

Who do you think is getting the Ballon d'Or this year? I'm gonna go with Iniesta, but I wouldn't mind if it was Xavi instead. I know for a fact it's gonna be either one of them.

What's your favorite team? Favorite player? Goal keeper? Best league in the world? Who d'you think is gonna win this year's Champions League...?

I know these questions have pretty obvious answers, but I'll let you share your opinion even though it'll probably be wrong if it ain't the same as mine.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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