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RealJames (Offline)
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12-21-2010, 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Looking like total crack junkies is what best describes popular culture in Japan?
Purikura is a huge part of Japanese culture for anyone between the age of 4 and 40, and a few older ones too.

Exactly as you see above, eyes and all.

There isn't a group of friends or a couple here that hasn't gone to get them done, stuck the stickers on their phone/laptop/mirror/etc at least a dozen times.

Yes, this is Japanese culture at it's most naive, innocent and finest moment.

(just to clarify, in case you didn't know) People here generally don't know what crack junkies look like, they don't even know what weed smells like let alone what someone who is high on it looks like.
This was a huge culture shock for me, coming from west coast north America.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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