Originally Posted by JohnBraden
here in the States there are places where one can 'drop off' an unwanted child without any repercussions, such as fire stations, police stations, etc.what happens a bit too much here is that girls hide their pregnancies and deliver the kids themselves without any medical supervision. They do so because they don't want the families to know so they would 'discard' them in trash bins. Officials took notice and set these safe depositories so those newly born children would survive.
Hello John, yes its not wanting anyone to know that can definitely be a reason. Poor girls being so desperate having to give birth all alone. How terrifying must that be.
Of course not so long ago it was very common-- when it WAS a sin to have a child out of wedlock-- even in the 1960's too many babies were forcibly removed from a mother to give away for adoption.
If society had not been so bigoted-- plus the CHURCH who was terribly bigoted-- many of those mothers could have kept their child-- but there was so little social support for them.
those who have been brought up taking it for granted that its okay to have a child out of wedlock-- possibly may not realise how cruel it was-- And that was not so long ago.
There are far less young babies available for adoption nowadays because there is far more help available than there ever was before.