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JohnBraden (Offline)
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12-21-2010, 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
It sounds heartless to me.

JOHN BRADEN Edit: I kind of feel like adding that it reduces the child to nothing more than an object, something to be discarded whenever the mother feels like. If the child was given up for adoption, especially if the mother helps to choose the adoptive parent, that I could understand. . . but to cast it aside into a hatch without a second glance? It's no different to throwing out an old teddy or toy and just hoping someone picks it up off the pavement, it's almost monstrous how uncaring it is, how someone could see a human life as being worthless, as equal to an object.

I would say it is DESPERATION John. surely you don't think a mother will do that easily?[/quote]

Well, these pregnancies happen because the kids having sex, and they ARE kids, don't know what the repercussions to "getting laid" are and don't use protection, etc. There are so many women here who have kids from several men that it sickens me that I'm paying into their welfare checks because they don't know any better.
When one is young and doesn't know the repercussions, they get rid of them like an unwanted toy, totally desensitizing them in the future...(the women, I mean to say)

I'd have to say that in China, things are so much worse.... Dumping girls (aren't asian girls so cute?!) in the trash to die because of the "one child rule". They want boys, not girls. That's why most of the adoptions in China are girls. I know the government has cracked down on this practice of getting pregnant until they have a boy, discarding the unwanted girls. I'm sure it still happens quite a bit in the more rural areas of China...
I must emphasize here, in no way am I condoning these courses of action....

Last edited by JohnBraden : 12-22-2010 at 02:32 AM.
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