Originally Posted by Maxful
Thanks masaegu san. How about this verb "打つ"?
電報を打つ (send a telegram)
I would like to know if it is possible for me to use "打つ" when I want to say "Send a cellphone message to my friend"?
It's "possible" but it's much more common to use 送る. To describe the action of pushing the keys to form the message, 打つ is the best word. But when you are done with forming the message and you are ready to send it, then 送る is the most-often used word.
I very much doubt that I can use it to say "send a present to friend" and "send a letter"?
And also, what exactly is telegram? Do people still use telegraph these days?
Almost no one uses it nowadays. It was common when not everyone had a phone. You go to the post office and give the other person's name and address along with the message you want to send. That post office calls the local post office that is closest to the other person to convey all the info. Then that second post office types the message on paper and delivers to the recipient.