Originally Posted by GoNative
Tomorrow is the Emperors birthday public holiday which is about the only break I'll get in the next week or two (and I only get that because day care is closed and I have to look after my daughter). Otherwise this is one of the busiest times of the year for us who work in hospitality.
But on the other hand - you get more time off and have a more relaxed schedule when the rest of Japan is too busy to head off on vacation, right?
My husband`s family is the same way - they run an inn and a crab fishing business (great way to make money in an area people come to in droves to eat crab during crab season - no middleman for their crabs), so their busiest time of the year is the winter holidays. They do close the inn for the 3 days around New Years, but it doesn`t really change much as the only difference is instead of paying customers it is relatives staying.