12-22-2010, 09:43 AM
Ive come a little late to this as its gone in a couple of tangents, so ill try to answer in some kind of order.
1) No I have never pretended to be other that what I am! Be it a different gender, age etc.
Ive known others that have point in case being in games and using female avatars as there better to look at....ok fine if it dosent hurt anyone WTH
2) Have i ever hid who I am?
no, wont make excuses here im English 6.2 30 years slightley over weight, enjoy reading..........if you want to "groom" me go ahead i like a laugh as much as the next guy.
3) Avatars
somtimes its just for fun....dont look into it too much.
4) Gay/bi pink writing
who cares? judge the person not there orientation.