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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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12-22-2010, 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
its basically a date and other details, which i could try deciphering later on, but I tell you one thing, that is one disgusting handwriting there.

OK well 幸巳 is a name (yukimi) then you have date (8th of August)

the ending would suggest mourning at a shrine 悲?時客梹城

the middle of it I ll do later as i gotta disappear from the office and go home ^_^

第2次長沙会戦 -is a reference to a battle at 長沙 (Changsha) - Chinese town, a capital city of Hunan province.

I have seen the light - it is a memorandum for Japanese soldiers who died / bravely fought during the battle at Changsha, during so called The Second Sino-Japanese War (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945)

full text: 幸巳八月十日第二次長沙会戦自?止め焚或者仍?前次之 結果也企予?之悲?時客梹城

and its bleeding tough to translate it without missing kanji

Last edited by ryuurui : 12-22-2010 at 07:23 PM.
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