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Suki (Offline)
armed with a mind
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What was your experience with getting your driver's license? - 12-23-2010, 12:12 AM

A lot of people go through hell during their driving test. They get nervous and they screw up cause they have too much pressure on them. Actually, I gotta say I wasn't the least bit nervous. I mean, I was a little jumpy but it all went away the moment I started the car.

How was it for you? Did you pass the test on your first time? I failed three times and finally got it right on my fourth attempt LOL but mind you, it's not like I was doing anything wrong, just all the examiners I got were... well, not worthy of kind treatment, to put it nicely. Also, that was two years ago. Now I'm like totally a rockstart on wheels. ... or I would be, if I had a better car </3

How much does it cost to get a driver's license in your country?

I paid about... 1500€, which is close to $2000 (1300 pounds).

Share your experience and feel free to talk some crap about your examiner, cause they all suck and deserve some hating on.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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