Originally Posted by masaegu
I hadn't skipped over that part. I just thought you were being ..... modest.
Absolutely not being modest. When I started this, I maybe knew a couple hundred words I picked up from anime (but I can only rarely recognize them written), half of which have no use in ordinary conversation. Hard to say how much that's increased, but it's not by much, and I still know nothing about tenses and conjugations, and have a faint glimmer of understanding particles. Other than that, I'm depending on the online translators to give me something I can piece together. Between the three of them and the Monash site (which will only rarely translate hiragana), and some additional detective work and puzzle solving, I can usually come up with something reasonable, unless I hit a killer like this one.
It was a happy day when I finally realized that the regular and small kana were important and not just case variants.
Even happier when I learned how to type them instead of inserting them with the character viewer. Now if only I could learn to consistently recognize when the characters are in fact small and not merely eyestrain.
But it's good to know that overall I'm getting it "essentially" correct.
Thanks for the help! There will be more!