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SCIFFIX (Offline)
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12-26-2010, 07:56 PM

I think the first and most important are the antibiotics

can you imagine how many people were saved after the discovery of the penicillin by Alexander Fleming? This discovery increased the population longevity.

the second: the abacus and the other mechanic calculators.

for me the transistors are in third position, without they we would be using gigantic mechanic computers, the PC and Mac would never exist. The capacity of calculation would be very low, nothing compared with a simple PC that we have today, can you imagine that ?

Therefore the Large Hadron Collider (what evanny was talking about) would not exist, and if there were (only by a miracle), the results of particles collisions would not be analyzed due to non existence of a machine to solve advanced calculations in a short time.

Video Games: Serious Business

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