Originally Posted by Sakusakusakura
MMM san
Thank you very much for your reply.
I like the sentence you wrote but is it more casual than previous one?
I think both of them are grammtically correct.
I know it made you confused because I wrote just one sentence.
But if I wrote whole content it should be too long and I don't want to bother you...
Anyway I appreciate your help.
Thank you!
When you say previous one, do you mean
In addition we will help you studying abroad in Japan if you like.?
This sentence has one mistake. You can say "study abroad" but not "studying abroad" in this form.
Even fixing that mistake, it is a little clunky, as you start with "In addition" and end with "as you like". It is hard to explain why, but it doesn't flow smoothly.
The difference in "casual" and "formal" is much more gray in English compared to Japanese. For example, the sentence I sent you would be fine to use on a website.