Originally Posted by MMM
I didn't mean to sound condescending, I just think it is interesting an older person would ask younger people what the most important piece of technology you've seen in your lifetime, when it's the young people who should be asking the older person.
AH maybe MM-- I am not technologicallyminded at all--- and I am sure the younger generation will be far more au fait with so much of which I am ignorant.
everything is racing away isn't it. so much of what is possible today would have been like a fantasy to someone of my generation.
Simple things for ME are often the domestic side of things:
Yes that radio-- which I always have playing-- now I have an IPOD and can listen to so many things-- Iuse it mainly for my Japanese lessons--.
When one considers the original crystal wireless--the heavy accumulators that had to be changed on a regular basis. The wireless has progressed enormously.
My son had one of the ghetto blasters playing his music so the whole street could hear LOL. Now with the IPOds etc in the ear-- the public are given peace.
Electricity. I have lived in homes without such luxury of electicity or gas.
Pumping the water from the well-- using oil heaters and lamps---
wonderful solid fuel AGA's.
Washing machines are one of the best luxuries as far as I am concerned.
Wash day used to be a major task. hand washing or if lucky enough to have a boiler-- to boil the whites-- the sheets-- using the large Mangles to wring out the water. Scrubbing all those detached collars--- then trying to dry the washing-- okay if there was an outside Line-- but again if drying indoors around the one single fireplace
In the children's homes we shared the chores, lots of scrubbing and floor and furniture polishing.
the hoover? I hate hoovering-- want a robot to do it for me.
I used to milk cows by hand-- very very soothing-- until falling asleep and the cow would literally Kick the bucketful of that rich creamy substance all over the floor.
Now I believe machine milking is almost automatic where the cows can walk into the parlour and the machines do the job.
I saw a programme about that-- humans did not need to be there at all.
The cleaning of the udders -- all automatic. can't think how the milking tubes were attached though.
How milking machine is made - making, history, used, processing, parts, components, industry, History, The Manufacturing Process of milking machine, Standards, The Future
we take so much for granted don't we.
the micro chip-- is incredible isn't it?
Medically huge advances have been made-- are we in danger of becoming GOD?
If there is a way to prevent those long term ills of man such as MS, parkinsons, Muscular dystrophy,-- inherited disabling aspects-- it does l ook as if STEM CELLS can be used in apositive way-- how many years ahead will some of them be removed from the genetic pattern.
TB used to be really common. A friend of mine had to spend three years on her back in a hospital that placed the patients out in the open air. she had TB of the spine. One of my former employers had to spend some years in a sanitorium then when back home took HUGE DISC shaped antibiotics every day.
There is fear though that TB is rearing its ugly head again.
I think that IVF has changed so much in the way of bringing babies into the world. GOOD? BAD? not sure.
I would wish that people who suffer kidney damage can be helped by having facilities for dialysis at home.
Many people are on warfarin. thinning of the blood. Now they have to go to clinincs or hospitals for checking the thickness of the blood. If they could do that at home-- that would be so helpful-- rather in the way of diabetis tests.
kinder treatment for those with Cancer.
The internet has also changed the world. Now is that good or could it be dangerous?
I still am amazed at these mobile phones etc that has so many functions.
There is so much-- and this generation will know many changes through their life times.
If there was a way to PREVENT WAR--Now is that ever possible?
I guess with we human beings always squabbling and wanting more and more land and power?
I'll shut up rambling now.