Originally Posted by JayT
Oh I do not have a LED Television, I was just stating that talking about a 'technological breakthrough' that's years old is somewhat out of place. Especially considering on how many breakthroughs are being made in different fields of science and technology these days.
I personally never watch television or do anything that requires one, it seems like laptops have taken over for me.
Originally Posted by spicytuna
Don't burst his bubble. He's probably working on his next announcement. An upcoming product from Apple that resembles a tablet.
Hey megat@rdos, in case if you can not force your brains to make some simple work : threads, callled "Technological breakthrough of Japan" are nothing short of historical retrospective, a tribute to certain important inventions of japanese origin.
What are you doing at public schools during lessons, I wonder? Just spend taxes of taxpayers by truckloads.....