Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Here, we expect a person to make an attempt before we help. This is a website for learning the language, not getting free translations. So crack open that dictionary! 
What you had written is fair in a certain way. But what if the thread starter doesn't understand Japanese at all and need help on translation and doesn't have enough money to seek help from a translator? Do you still expect him to make an attempt first?
You wrote "Here, we expect a person to make an attempt before we help." but maybe you should alter the "We" to "I".
You should probably also flash back a little and remind yourself how difficult it was for you when you first learn Japanese and how you wish that there is someone there to guide you and help you.
Just because you are able to write and speak proper Japanese now doesn't mean everyone else here can.
I am sure you wouldn't had said the same thing if you are still a beginner 1 student right now.