12-27-2010, 01:04 PM
Lucky YOu Wings.
sometimes its good to consider what went into al lthe progress inthis world yet many countries still live in the dark ages.
Yes my grandkids know alot re computers because parents had to pay out to buy the computers for home use. Computers were in all schools.
But you should still appreciate what has gone into all this.
I am sure that when I am dead and gone there will be many great advances.
As for asking older generation-- surely it would depend who you ask. There willbe many mature experts who whii hav estudied or takenpart in many of these progressive achievements.
I am a simple woman who did not have much of an education.
I wishyounger generation to appreciate what they have NOW.
I remember the first time to the moon when the little dog was sent intoSpace. | when I married the first man was sent to the Moon. that seemed absolutely unbelievable at the time.
PS I have to laugh at my above sentence Ha ha.
many miracles are happening.
please appreciate what you do have now-- and not just disregard the older generation.
I am still pretty ignorant about many things--I am however very curious about them also.
I can learn manythings from the NET. Maybe that is TOO easy.
Last edited by dogsbody70 : 12-27-2010 at 01:13 PM.