Originally Posted by protheus
Nope, you're "trainer" isn't allowed to approach the car during the exams. The one at your shoulder is a very intimidating police officer.
A police officer sits on your side while you're taking the exam? Damn.
Originally Posted by evanny
theoretical test is useful for 1 year. in that time you have to get practical done.
Same here, you have to get both things done within a year, but if you take and pass your practical, you don't ever have to take the theoretical one again.
Originally Posted by evanny
actually only way to get a license is when school allows you. you can't show up out of the blue and take the test.
Here you can decide when you're ready for it. There's no minimum of in-car practice you have to have taken before being able to take the exam. Your teacher tells you when he thinks you're ready for it, but you can still go for it without his consent.
Originally Posted by evanny
we only have one person who attends you and some 5 cameras in the car - if you feel like it you can then look at the recordings in you think they were unfair and get the decision changed.
Cameras in the car? wow xD More to add to the pressure of the one who's taking the exam. And who's the person "who attends"? Examiner? Driving instructor?
Here it's usually two people taking the exam together. So it goes like... the first person starts taking the exam, the driving instructor is sitting next to you with his set of pedals for him to take over if he has to (needless to say, he does so you're automatically failed), and on the back seats there's the examiner and the person who's taking the exam when you're done.
Originally Posted by PockyMePink
I got my license yesterday. It was my first time doing the drivers test, and I passed. I didn't do too well, so I'm not sure how I passed really...
My license costed $7.
And what?! 7 bucks? Please, exaplin...?
Originally Posted by RealJames
I rocked my test,
after a series of speeding tickets, the last one being 150 in a 30 (in a mountain road way way far away from any city or houses . . . ) I lost my license, but luckily for me I could transfer it to a Japanese license before having to submit it to the law.
So I can still drive!
Driving is natural to me, I love it, a little too much ><
Everyone likes a little speeding every now and then. But you have to be stupid to get your license taken away cause of "a series of speeding tickets".

I dunno how it is over there, but here there're signs all along the highway and roads letting the drivers know where the radars are located.
That's what they look like:
So if you're driving and you come across this sign you slow down to the allowed speed. No photo. No ticket. No losing your license.