Originally Posted by termogard
Justifiable, you said?!  There is a difference between attacking Pearl-Harbour ( a Naval base) and dropping of armed nuclear devices on cities, filled by civilians.
And how many countries did Japan invade and how many civillians did they kill on their little crusade through Asia? America (and other allied nations) were the saviour of these countries and their peoples. A bit more went on than just an attack on a naval base and the subsequent dropping of nuclear devices on Japanese cities. 10's of millions of lives were lost as a direct result of the Japanese invasion of Asia. People sometimes seem to forget that Japan was the aggressor not the US who helped liberate most of the countries occupied by the brutal Japanese forces.
I believe there is a very good case that the atomic bombs helped end the war considerably earlier than it would have otherwise and saved many more lives (both allied and Japanese) from a protracted war on Japanese soil than died as a result of the bombings.