No, I'm afraid it's a comma. I've encountered several such "monster" (heh) sentences, and I've just broken them into two or three for flow, but at least I've been able (I think) to figure out the basic meaning. I'm still trying to get used to commas in places they wouldn't be in English, and especially the placements of ......, which I'm starting to think don't always mean the same to you as they do to me.
But even without the background, your corrections actually pulled that all together. You are totally awesome! Thank you!!!
So is this right then: "I've been afraid for seven years, ever since that incident..."? That actually makes much more sense to me than when I was avoiding working in the part about the incident.
I'm still a bit iffy about the nuances of 頭をひね. [spoilers for people reading Another Monster] The 42 and 46 refers to dead bodies found after "the incident," although I don't know yet why he mentions 42 (there were 40 men, 4 women and 2 children, so it seems he's pondering the 4 women for some reason). I'm wondering if there could be another meaning besides to puzzle over or think deeply about, such as being deeply affected, or can't get something out of your head. Also, could you explain please, how を functions in that position between the numbers?
Thank you for that clear explanation of ほど here. I had in my notes about it, but I think my brain was so fried by then that I just couldn't see how that construction could work there, so I thought it must mean "to the degree that" and gave なかった too much focus.
Thank you!!
Try plugging that sentence into Google or Excite to see what I had to work with, and you'll understand why I'm so happy.
PS: I might be wrong about what 42 and 46 mean (so far 46 had only appeared in reference to the bodies, 42 not at all). They're mentioned again in the opening paragraph of the next chapter (I haven't really worked on it yet, so I don't have any idea what it says, but a quick skim makes me think it
might refer to numbers given to designate specific individuals. If that's the case, then maybe he was mulling them over as possible candidates in his search for a talented man? Don't know if it will help you or make things worse, but here's the paragraph:
ムスタファ氏が指摘した通り、わたしはへルマン・フュ アーという名前と四十六、四十二という謎の数字をすで に知っていた。それはヴァーデンマン弁護士からもらっ たグリマー氏のノート(正確にはノートのコピーだが) に走り書き程度に書かれていたものだった。